
Matrix-Softech Internship application task

Primary LanguagePHP


  • php v8.0+
  • terminal
  • files from this repository(if u want to run it locally)

How to view:

  • Using the index.php file

    • run the 'index.php' script in a terminal and view results for each question/task
    • php index.php
  • Manually running each file

    • run each file in the terminal
    • for ease, the filenames have an incremental prefix (01 to 24)
      php _01*
    • change the _01* to any question number you want, example:
      php _02*
       php _03*
  • View the screenshots

    • I've slightly manipulated the images below so that the viewing experience is not boring.
    • Un-altered images can be found HERE


  • QN1: Factorial

  • QN2: Fibonacci

  • QN3: Armstrong

  • QN4: Reverse

  • QN5: Descending

  • QN6: Prime Or Not

  • QN7: HCF

  • QN8: Leap year or not

  • QN9: Reverse Numeric Triangle

  • QN10: Normal Star Triangle

  • QN11: Normal Numeric Triangle

  • QN12: Factors of a number

  • QN13: Multiplication table

  • QN14: Highest in an array

  • QN15: Swap two numbers

  • QN16: Bubble sort

  • QN17: Smallest in an array

  • QN18: 4 interval Rectangle matrix

  • QN19: Hollow Rectangle

  • QN20: Pattern with 0 at end

  • QN21: Floyd's Triangle

  • QN22: Weird Concat

  • QN23: LCM

  • QN24: Second Highest number in array