
project-grupp-5-1 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The purpose of this project is to enable companies to sell electronic hardware to their customers via the internet by using our application. There are two different roles in the application; sellers (admins) and customers. Salespeople in the company who use this application will be able to handle products, coupons, system users and orders. The customers will be able to log in, easily search/filter for existing products, add products to the shopping cart, use coupons, create orders and finally receive a confirmation email for their created order.

Table of contents

1. Technologies used

Project is created using:

  • .NET Core 3.1

  • Blazor


  • Swagger

  • GitHub Action CI/CD

  • Entity Framework

  • Microsoft Azure

    • App service
    • Database server
    • Azure container registry
    • Blobstorage
  • Docker

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • MSTest

2. Local development setup

We use Visual studio 2019 as IDE (for both front- and backend), Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for browsing the database, Postman for making calls to our API and Docker Desktop for testing our Dockerfiles locally. Before you can run the projects you will need the appsettings.Development.json-files for both front- and backend. This is because they are included in our gitignore-file. These will be placed in the root folder of each project. The development appsettings for frontend project contains the url for the locally running API while the development appsettings for the backend project contains the connection string to the local database. Below are the two files that will be needed before running the projects.

Clone and run the completed solution

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to paste in your connection string to the local database in the backend appsettings-file. Furthermore, make sure that the ApiHostUrl matches the url to your local API. In order to know what url your API will be running on navigate to Backend -> Properties -> launchSettings.json, then check if your sslPort matches the port of ApiHostUrl (44339 in this case) in the frontend appsettings-file. If your sslPort does not match the port defined in appsettings.Development.json then you need to replace "44339" with your sslPort defined in launchSettings.json. For instance, if your sslPort would be "44350" then your appsetting-file would define the ApiHostUrl like this instead: "ApiHostUrl": "https://localhost:44350/".

appsettings.Development.json (Frontend)

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "ApiHostUrl": "https://localhost:44339/"

appsettings.Development.json (Backend)

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
  "MailSettings": {
    "DisplayName": "<NAME>",
    "Password": "<PASSWORD>",
    "Host": "<MAIL_HOST_IF_GOOGLE_GMAIL smpt.gmail.com>",
    "Port": 587

After you have placed these files in the projects you will need to update the database before running the API. In order to do so, navigate to the package manager console in Visual Studio and run this command in the backend project:


This will create the local database and insert some seeded data which are defined in the backend-class StoreDbContext.cs.

Before to run the project

Make sure the you have active Multiple Startup Projects. You can do it by right click on the Solution -> Property -> Startup Project -> Multiple Startup Project -> chose Start for Backend and Frontend.

3. Team

Product owner

Stephan Johansen
Stephan Johansen


Leila Ershad Anna Niemelä Monirul Azam Jolanta Barkauskaite Sara Kristensen
Leila Ershad Anna Niemelä Monirul Azam Jolanta Barkauskaite Sara Kristensen


André Morad Nor Shiervani Ahmad Yassin Micael Wollter Irvin Perez
André Morad Nor Shiervani Ahmad Yassin Micael Wollter Irvin Perez

4. Useful links