
Crop Management application for use with the growstuff.org api

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository is a fun side project that utilizes the Growstuff API

My main goal was to see how complete I could make this app + SDK with only 2 days of development time. While I will likely add more in the future, the development time for this is only scheduled from 2019-01-16 to 2019-01-17

The other useful part of this project is that I am essentially writing a Java / Android SDK for Growstuff, which to my knowledge does not exist.


Below is the current outline for what I would like to get done in the 2 day window I have alloted:

  • Manifest

    • Manifest declated with permissions as well as broadcast receivers.
    • Will add File Providers if needed - Not needed
    • Broadcast receivers as well as check for Nougat or above to confirm Broadcast receiver registered properly
  • Documentation

    • All docs should be in standard Javadoc format. (will be generated at the end of the 2 days)
    • All classes should have documentation above them.
    • Applicable methods and functions should also have documentation.
    • Make sure to use //region and //endregion tags for simpler code folding
  • Data models

    • Mirror from website - Will need to make individual calls in order to manually view responses.
    • Add in ErrorModel and custom parsing.
  • API Calls + Wrapper

    • For API calls class, Will likely utilize my own library's Retrofit Parser
    • Make wrapper class for static API calls so as to mimize code in Fragments and activities
  • Connectivity Checks

    • Add in connectivity receiver to confirm internet availability before calls
    • Utilize a snackbar for no internet connection
  • Architecture

    • App will follow standard app architecture logic and have an Activity with modular fragments
    • I'd like to use a navigation drawer if possible as they always look clean if done correctly
    • Standard MyApplication class as central singleton with initilized fields upon load.
    • Decided to scale things back a bit for simplicity. Will leave the API Interface as is and just ignore unused endpoints.
  • Android Jetpack

    • I'd also like to make use of the new Android Jetpack modules, specifically the following:
      • Rooms
      • ViewModel
    • Implement Observers using ViewModel + Room combo on any visible Recyclerviews
    • Utilize View models to maintain state upon rotation
  • Constants

    • Utilize integer tags in combination with my library's On Task Complete Listener to ping back responses for web calls
    • Maintain any other needed tags, flags, or booleans within the Constants for simple reference.
  • Icons

    • Use custom icons for the app
    • Use various icons for the different nav bar icons to differentiate sections
    • Make sure icons mirror Android standards of:
      • xxxdpi
      • xxdpi
      • xdpi
      • hdpi
      • mdpi
  • Res Dimens

    • If time permits, utilize dimens.xml to have screen-specific sizes to work with on UI element scaling
  • UI Components

    • Make heavy use of Recyclerviews (look into making mutli-purpose adapter)
  • Animations - Skipped

    • If time permits, add in animations to UI elements
    • Also add in loading view / progress bar with custom animation built into it

Closing and Lessons Learned

Development has stopped (as planned) after a little under 2 days of development. Some of the better accomplishments include:

  • The project is stable and loads just fine. Crashes seem to be far and few between
  • It will successfully load from the API and load images as well as crops
  • Pagination was successfully implemented and should theoretically scroll until the web API runs out of items to return
  • Jetpack --> Room --> DB entry was integrated and serves the purpose of providing access to the crops list when offline
  • UI is clean and has a simple nav drawer, custom recyclerviews, custom dialogs, and ripple effects on clicks.
  • Despite them being unused, created response body objects to mirror those listed on the Growstuff Github link.
  • Utilized external dependencies via gradle as well as annotation processors and the schema output for the DB.
  • Created a workable SDK that can be modularized into a single project if those at Growstuff would like it.
  • Utilized abstract parent classes and subsequent inheritance for future-proofing more activities and fragments that may be added.

Next time I do this type of project I will probably research the API more prior as I had assumed that this API would return image URLs nested within the Crop object, but that does not seem to be the case in the current version; this nixxed any plans on having miniature circular images next to the text in the Recyclerviews.