
Sourcecode for Elastic Search: Tests and Configurations

Primary LanguagePython


Description: contains tests, configs and setup instructions for our Elasticsearch Cluster

1. Pre-Requistites


  • docker
  • python

We are no longer using a self-managed cluster so the only major pre-requisite is an AWS account to create an AWS managed Elasticsearch Cluster and docker or python to run the testing suite.

Alternatively you can host your own on a server (such as an EC2) by cloning this repo and running

docker-compose up

while inside the directory to set up and run a simple 3 node + kibana cluster.

2. Deployment

These instructions are for the AWS Elasticsearch managed service, if you wish to it with a self-hosted Elasticsearch instance using the docker-compose script then you can simply authenticate using http headers in requests.

2.1 Define your domain


2.2 Configure your cluster


2.3 Set up access via Cognito (will be used by Lambda functions)


2.4 Authentication

Authentication is done using the requests_aws4auth in conjunction with boto3 or AWS Cognito.

To load credentials securely always use

credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials() awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service, session_token=credentials.token)

The awsauth variable can be used in place of any request requiring authorisation

3 Testing

A set of integration tests have been cruited as a suite, subsequent tests depend on the previous test. There are two options to run these tests:

3.1 Docker

If you choose to run them using docker then simply use

docker run --rm -it $(docker build -q .) with the Dockerfile in the test_suite/ directory.

This docker image will be deleted after running.

Otherwise follow the instructions below:

3.2 Testing script

Instal alll python dependencies

pip3 install boto3

pip3 install elasticsearch

pip3 install re

pip3 install json

pip3 install requests

pip3 install requests_aws4auth

Run the testing script to print tests results to stdout

sh run_tests.sh

If all tests are executed succesfully the index created for testing will be deleted as part of the cleanup/final test.