
Roster: Jabir Chowdhury, Ahnaf Hasan

Features implemented:

  • Displays user and current directory
  • Changing directories
  • Exiting process
  • Multiple commands separated with semicolons(";"), there can be whitespace before and after the semicolon but not in-between command arguments
  • Piping (only single pipes)
  • Redirecting (< , > , >>)

Features tried but were unsucessful in implementation

  • Parsing for white spaces in-between command arguments

Bugs that we are aware of

  • exit does not work sometimes, have to call it 2 to 3 times for it to work
  • sometimes, redirecting stdout appends instead of overwriting

Function headers


char ** parse_args( char * line );

char *** parse_lines (char* line);

int lenarray(char*** arr);

int sizeofarray(char ** arr);

char * trimwhitespace(char *str);

int deal_with_command(char ** command);

int deal_with_multiple_commands(char * command);


int main();