
Github Pages for the Data Analytics team

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Science Portfolio

The Data Science Portfolio can be accessed by clicking here

The page is developed using React in TypeScript and it is being hosted and deployed by GitHub using GitHub Pages.

Run Locally

In order to run locally, you must have Node installed.

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install the dependencies

npm install
  1. Run the application
npm start

How to make updates

All data for the portfolio is stored in the src/data folder. The data is stored in JSON files and is defined by types in the src/utils/types folder.

There are 4 main sections of the portfolio, and each is defined by a JSON file:

  1. Product List (productList.ts) This is the list of products displayed at the top of the page. This includes LiquidFiles, Databricks, LimeSurvey, etc. They are defined under the productList.ts file and have the following type:

    export type Product = {
      name: string; // Name of the product
      cardImage: string; // Image displayed on the card
      categories: string[]; // List of categories shown in modal - see tagColors.ts for standard categories
      slogan: string; // Slogan displayed on the card
      description: string[]; // Description displayed in the modal
      url: string; // URL to the product
      images: string[]; // List of images displayed in the modal
      color?: string; // Color of the Learn More button
      comingSoon?: boolean; // If true, the product will be displayed as coming soon and will not be clickable
  2. Project Pages (projectPages.ts) This is the list of projects displayed in the Projects section of the page. It includes all active and complete projects. They are defined under the projectPages.ts file and have the following type:

    export type ProjectPage = {
      id: string; // Unique ID for the project
      name: string; // Name of the project
      status: 'active' | 'closed'; // Status of the project - shows project in the appropriate section
      description: string; // Description of the project
      importantLinks?: Link[]; // List of important links for the project
      background?: string[]; // Background information for the project - one paragraph per string
      problem?: string[]; // Problem statement for the project - one paragraph per string
      goal?: string[]; // Goal of the project - one paragraph per string
      solution?: string[]; // Solution for the project - one paragraph per string
      images: string[]; // List of images displayed in the page
      cardImage: string; // Image displayed on the card
      tools: string[]; // List of tools used in the project
      successMetrics?: string[]; // List of success metrics for the project - one paragraph per string
      comingSoon?: boolean; // If true, the project will be displayed as coming soon and will not be clickable

    Note that the important links are defined by the following type:

    interface Link {
      label: string; // What to display
      url: string; // Where to link to
  3. Tool Inventory (toolInventory.ts) This is the list of tools displayed in the Tools section of the page. It displays a little card with the logo, categories, and information about how the tool is used. They are defined under the toolInventory.ts file and have the following type:

    export type InventoryTool = {
      name: string; // Name of the tool
      categories: string[]; // List of categories shown in modal - see tagColors.ts for standard categories
      cost: string; // Cost of the tool for the team (e.g. Free, Depends on usage, etc.)
      protected_b_data: boolean; // Whether the tool can handle protected B data
      url: string; // URL to the tool
      self_hosted_version: boolean; // Whether the tool has a self-hosted version available
      teams: string[]; // List of teams using the tool - see tagColors.ts for standard teams
      projects: string[]; // List of projects using the tool - see tagColors.ts for standard projects
      image: string; // Logo of the tool
  4. Other Useful Tools (otherUsefulTools.ts) This is the final list of tools shown at the bottom of the page. It only includes a list of other tools and links to their websites. They are defined under the otherUsefulTools.ts file and have the following type:

    export type OtherTool = {
      name: string; // Name of the tool
      url: string; // URL to the tool

How to take the deployment down

  1. Go to the repository settings Step 1 of taking down deployment

  2. Go to the GitHub Pages section Step 2 of taking down deployment

  3. Select the site and unpublish it Step 3 of taking down deployment

You can confirm that the deployment is down by going to https://phacdatahub.github.io/datahub_portfolio/ and seeing that the page is not found.

How to deploy

Under package.json, there is a script called deploy. This script will build the application and deploy it to GitHub Pages.

So after installing the dependencies and making any changes (see Run Locally above), you can run the following command:

npm run deploy

You can check the environments in GitHub to see if the deployment was successful.


If so, the page should be accessible at https://phacdatahub.github.io/datahub_portfolio/