
User and hub docker images for UC Berkeley's DSEP

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Docker images for UC Berkeley's DSEP

This repository contains the dockerfiles for singleuser images.

Getting Started

Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/data-8/user-containers

Run the build script to generate Docker images.

./build.bash [ -r REGISTRY ] [ base | {user_type} ]

The -r option can be a docker container registry, e.g. gcr.io/YOUR_ORG. The singleuser server builds utilize a shared base image specified by base/Dockerfile. Various other singleuser server images are built from this specified by {user_type}/Dockerfile. For example to build the singleuser image for the course Stat 28, you would run ./build.bash base at least once, then ./build.bash stat28.

Each docker image is tagged with the git commit hash corresponding with the last git revision of the build files.

File / Folder structure

The subdirectories contain the Dockerfiles and scripts for the images used for this deployment.