
This project presents serverless event driven ETL pipeline leveraging Python Data Wrangler to process raw files uploaded to an input s3 bucket using a Lambda function and store the processed files in an output s3 bucket. It has a glue crawler that update the processed file’s metadata to glue catalogue and uses Athena to query processed files.

Primary LanguagePython


Blank diagram (1)

Events flow overview

When an input file in .csv or .json format is uploaded to the ‘input s3 bucket’, it trigger a Lambda function running as a docker container that reads the file into a data frame. The script uses awsdatawrangler python library to perform transformation to manipulate the data, convert the data to parquet format and writes the output paequet file to an ‘Output s3 bucket’. Then it trigers a glue crawler to update the Glue catalog with the metadata. an Athena tables are created on top of the processed s3 files to enable users to run analytical queries on the dataset.


  • Docker

Deploy the solution

  1. Clone the project repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. pip install requirements.txt
  4. cdk bootstrap
  5. cdk synth
  6. cdk deploy


  1. use python scripts/upload_to_s3.py to upload your raw data to input s3 bucket.
  2. Wait for around 2 minutes
  3. use python scripts/run_athena_query.py to query your processed data in output s3 bucket through Athena. feel free to modify the sql query in run_athena_query.py to suite your needs.

Clean up

This will remove all resources created by this project from you AWS account

  1. cdk destroy


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LINCENSE file for details.