
A docker-compose configuration for UniFi Controller

Primary LanguageMakefile

UniFi Controller Compose

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  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/PHLAK/unifi-controller-compose.git
  2. Initialize the configuration files

     make init

    or manually

    cp --verbose .skelleton/config/*.env config/
    cp --verbose .skelleton/.env .
  3. Set the environment variables in .env

  4. Set the application-specific environment variables by editing the files found in the config directory

  5. Place your config.yaml file and any additional configuration files in volumes/config

  6. Run docker-compose config to validate and confirm your configuration

  7. Run docker-compose up -d to start the containers


Watchtower configuration is controlled through the environment variables set in the config/watchtower.env file. Check out the Watchtower documentation (specifically the Arguments page) for more information on the available envionment variables and what they do.

Updating Containers

This project includes Watchtower that will periodically check for new images on a schedule and update containers if found.

To manually fetch updated images and update the running containers run

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

Default Port Reference

Service Port Protocol
Web Admin 8443 TCP
AP Discovery 10001 UDP
Device Communication 8080 TCP
L2 Network Discovery 1900 UDP
Guest Portal HTTPS 8843 TCP
Guest Portal HTTP 8880 TCP
Mobile Throughput Test 6789 TCP
Remote Syslog 5514 UDP