
Search Engine Abstraction Layer with support to different search engines. Part of the https://github.com/php-cmsig/search project. READ-ONLY Repository

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Note: This is part of the cmsig/search project create issues in the main repository.

SEAL Logo with an abstract seal sitting on a telescope.
Logo created by Meine Wilma


Search Engine Abstraction Layer with support to different search engines.

This package was highly inspired by Doctrine DBAL and Flysystem.

Note: This project is heavily under development and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Installation & Usage

The documentation is available at https://php-cmsig.github.io/search/. It is the recommended and best way to start using the library, it will step-by-step guide you through all the features of the library.
