
MeetUp PrizeWinners, a quick tool to randomly raffle prizes to people who RSVP'd yes on Meetup.com

Primary LanguagePHP


We needed a tool to raffle great stuff to our participating members, but couldn't find one tapping into Meetup.com.

So we build one ;-)

Yes, our design skills stink and we haven't given our best practices on the code base either, but we've hacked a nice little tool together that allows you to pick a registered event on meetup, click on the laptop to get started and see the winner at the end of the loop.

Don't want to run it yourself? No worries, we've got it up and running at http://mupw.azurewebsites.net, so if you want to run it for your own event, just add the event ID from meetup as a parameter on the url, like http://mupw.azurewebsites.net/?event=173042702.


PHPBenelux is the PHP user group for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. If you're interested in getting in touch with fellow PHP enthusiasts or you want to present a topic related to web application development, security, tools or soft skills, send us a quick email with your interest to info@phpbenelux.eu or come and see us neer you on our Meetup.com page.