Welcome to Formify, a streamlined PHP library that simplifies generating HTML5 forms. This library has been designed to ensure rapid form creation while removing repetitive tasks.
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- Generate HTML5 forms programmatically
- Customizable form attributes (POST/GET methods, enctype, etc.)
- Customizable field attributes (name, type, placeholder, style, and value)
- TailwindCSS classes support for field styling
Installation instructions will be provided soon.
Formify allows for easy creation of HTML5 forms in a PHP environment. Follow the steps below to generate your first form:
Install the Library
- Installation instructions are being created and will be provided soon.
Require Vendor Autoload
- Add the statement
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
, which loads PHP Composer's autoload file to manage dependencies.
- Add the statement
Import the Form Class
- Use the statement
use Formify\Form;
to import the Formify Form class.
- Use the statement
Create a Form Configuration
- Define a configuration array with relevant settings such as 'action', 'method', and 'enctype'.
Instantiate the Form Class
- Create a new instance of the Form class passing the configuration array as an argument.
$form = new Form($config);
Define Form Fields
- Make use of the field builder methods such as name(), type(), style(), placeholder(), and value() to define your form fields.
$form->field() ->name('emailAddress') ->type('email') ->style('border border-blue-100') // TailwindCSS classes supported! ->placeholder('Enter your email address') ->value('example@gmail.com');
Render the form
- Call the
method of your form instance.
The complete sample code would look something like this:
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Formify\Form; $config = [ 'action' => 'action.php', 'method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' ]; $form = new Form($config); $form->field() ->name('emailAddress') ->type('email') ->style('border border-blue-100') ->placeholder('Enter your email address') ->value('example@gmail.com') ->render();
- Call the
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are all welcome! Feel free to open a new issue with the "feature request" tag or submit a Pull Request.
Looking for more detailed information? Please visit our Documentation Page.
Formify is MIT licensed.