
A contract testing solution

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Contract testing solution for your API's and microservices

If you want to know more about Contract Testing please read more here and here.

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work in progress. The code can be subject to any changes without BC until the release version 1.0.0. Please use the issue tracker to report any enhancements or issues you encounter.

You can find some contract examples in examples directory.

Usage standalone CLI

First of all clone this repository git clone git@github.com:PHPacto/PHPacto.git and install vendors with composer composer install.


Validate your contracts with

bin/phpacto validate path-to/directory-or-single-file

cURL command generator

Generate cURL commands from contracts with

bin/phpacto curl path-to/directory-or-single-file

SUGGESTION: Can use phpdotenv to load environment variables from file.

Usage with Docker


Validate your contracts with

docker run -it --rm \
    -v $PWD/contracts:/srv/data \
    -e CONTRACTS_DIR=data \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    phpacto/mock-server \

cURL command generator

Generate cURL commands from contracts with

docker run -it --rm \
    -v $PWD/contracts:/srv/data \
    -e CONTRACTS_DIR=data \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    phpacto/mock-server \

Server Mock

See https://github.com/PHPacto/mock-server

Mock Proxy Recorder

See https://github.com/PHPacto/recorder

Testing your application

Compatibility table

PHPacto PHP PHPUnit Guzzle Symfony Serializer
0.5.4 >=7.2 `^7.0 ^8.0
1.0.0 >=8.2 `^7.0 ^8.0

If your project satisfies these requirements, you can run composer require --dev bigfoot90/phpacto and test your contracts with phpunit, else you need to run contracts testing with PHPacto's CLI wich is slower but works with any kind of application.

Integration with PHPUnit

If your test ends with too much verbose tracelog maybe your TestCase is not extending from Bigfoot\PHPacto\Test\PHPUnit\PHPactoTestCase, so add this line in your setUp method:

PHPUnit\Util\Blacklist\Blacklist::$blacklistedClassNames[__CLASS__] = 1;

See this Gist https://gist.github.com/bigfoot90/d4f146bacad359329d219a804f6cd12a There are two different test files ConsumerTest.php and ProviderTest.php

Mastering with PHPacto contract Rules

Read the dedicated page here


Feel free to contribute by opening a pull request. Bug fixes or feature suggestions are always welcome.