
Lua extension using sumneko lua-language-server for coc.nvim

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As described by the repository name, I fixed the problem that coc-sumneko-lua extension was not available on nixos (only for non-nix-managed neovim/vim configurations).

How did I fix this problem?

I added a new configuration field named sumneko-lua.bin to specify the path of lua-language-server command. Because if you use nix to manage sumneko-lua-server package, you will find that /nix/store/xxxx-sumneko-lua-server/share/sumneko-lua-server/bin/lua-language-server is a read-only file and cannot be executed(I think it maybe case by nix sandbox mechanism). And real executable binary should be in /nix/store/xxxx-sumneko-lua-server/bin/lua-language-server. But coc-sumneko-lua can only specify serverDir, and bin is indirectly obtained through serverDir, but NixOS cannot meet this condition. So, I added the sumneko-lua.bin field so that user can explicitly specify the location of bin.

How to use?

First, because I did not publish this package on npm, we need to install it through plugins. If I use vim-plug to manager your plugins. I should add Plug 'PHSix/coc-sumneko-lua-for-nixos', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'} in my vimrc.

And then, if you use home-manager or nix-env to install sumneko-lua-server, you can configure it as follows:

 "sumneko-lua.bin": "~/.nix-profile/bin/lua-language-server",
 "sumneko-lua.serverDir": "~/.nix-profile/share/lua-language-server"

If you are not using home-manager to manage your user configuration, you can configure it as follows:

 "sumneko-lua.bin": "/run/current-system/sw/bin/lua-language-server",
 "sumneko-lua.serverDir": "/run/current-system/sw/share/lua-language-server"

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Lua extension using sumneko lua-language-server for coc.nvim

This extension uses server binaries extracted from sumneko/vscode-lua. You can also custom the server path(sumneko-lua.serverDir).


  • Supported features by the server


  • Nvim lua development(check setting sumneko-lua.enableNvimLuaDev). Credit: folke/neodev.nvim


  • Inlay-hints provided by coc.nvim.


:CocInstall coc-sumneko-lua

Settings(Click me)


Command Description
sumneko-lua.install Install or update sumneko lua-language-server
sumneko-lua.restart Restart server
sumneko-lua.version Echo server version
sumneko-lua.checkUpdate Check update
sumneko-lua.showTooltip Show tooltips
sumneko-lua.insertNvimLuaPluginLibrary Insert nvim lua plugin to current workspace library
sumneko-lua.downloadNvimLuaTypes Download/Update nvim lua types(Clone https://github.com/folke/neodev.nvim)




This extension is built with create-coc-extension