The repo contains books, tutorials and resources based on the recommendations of Eng. Mohammed Hammad
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- Introduction to Programming
- Programming Paradigms
- Data Structure and Algorithms
- Databases
- Operating Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Build High Quality Software
- Domain Driven Design
- Important Resources in: AI, ML, DS Next Sections
- Probability and Statistics
- Data Science
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Microsoft Technologies
1- Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax (Book)
2- Functional Programming For The Real World (Book)
3- Category theory for programmers by bartosz milewisky
1- Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design
2- Head First Design Pattern 2nd Edition
CMU 15-445/645 Intro to Database Systems (Fall 2019) (Tutorials) - Beginner
CMU 15-721 Advanced Database Systems (Spring 2020)(Tutorials) - Advanced
Concise Guide to Databases A Practical Introduction - Beginner
seven databases in seven weeks (to study differences among different databases)
- CS 162, 2019, UC Berkeley (Tutorials) - Beginner
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Refactoring to Patterns
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Reference Articles
- Refactoring To Patterns
- Intro to Data Science - Steve Brunton
- MITx 6.00.2x, Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science (Tutorials)
The Resources in this section are ordered:
Then Check Eng. Hammad Lecture
Now Check the Resources Gathered in ORDER:
1- MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018
3- Lecture 11 to 15 only From Stanford CS221
4- Daphne Koller - Graphical Models
5- Probabilistic Machine Learning kevin Murphy BOOK
6- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, MIT Press
Neural Networks and Deep Learning By Michael Nielsen / Dec 2019 - Beginner
Deep Learning Book by Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow - Advanced
- Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, Spring 2018
- Deep Learning: CS 182 Spring 2021
- MIT Deep Learning in Life Sciences 6.874 Spring 2020 (Tutorials)
Starter Book:
- C# 9.0 in a Nutshell - Beginner
- Concurrency in .NET- Manning Publications - Advanced
- CLR via C# - Advanced
- C# in Depth - Advanced
Reference Articles:
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