Welcome to the central open-source repository of LPJmL at PIK. You are free to download the code under the AGPLv3 license, see LICENSE file. Have fun. Please note that there is absolutely no support outside agreed collaborations. We also don't provide any input data, which is derived from other sources.
- admercs@nervosys
- bendvDepartment of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph
- ChaiChenhao
- cmueller-pikPIK
- CPTBTPTP-bitNorthwest A&F University
- Damonfruit
- DavidAMcKayGeoresilience Analytics / Uni. Exeter
- drueke
- flohumpPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- giacfalkIIASA/CMCC
- GreasyFairy
- hnlyj
- huanghesheng2012
- jeverling
- johnwendt
- juliusgarbePotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
- kongddChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
- li564143539
- longbiao1993
- Ly0n@protontypes
- meise
- mgarate
- MirzaCengicRadboud University, BHHU ATRA
- mkrapp@GNS-Science, @EvolEcolGroup
- mortvestCopenhagen, Denmark
- muditsrivastava073Goa
- nie12
- quanpan302Netherlands
- rreineckeJGU Mainz
- schwemroUniversity of Freiburg
- tommylees112University of Oxford
- Troc91SUN YAT-SEN University of China
- xuzhenwuIGSNRR, CAS
- yz842614503UCAS
- zhengjiji456
- zhuang-hao-ming