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Intro to Redux

Following StephenGrider's tutorial: Modern React with Redux on udemy, here's the link. Bellow are a mix of notes from the tutorial, react documentation, and other sources.

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Main take away is that Redux is used to maintain the application's state, and that the state is a plain javascript object.

The application's state is completely different than a component's state and not connected in any way whatsoever.

Actions The reducers are in charge of manipulating or changing the application state over time. This is done through the use of actions, so whenever an action is dispatched, it flows through all of the different reducers in the application. Where, each reducer has the option to return a different piece of state than normal, based on the type of action received. actions will always have a type defined. And can optionally have a payload or any number of other properties. Generally (by convention), we use payload when we are passing a piece of data along with the action.

bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)

We use the bindActionCreators() function to turn an object whose values are action creators, into an object with the same keys, but with every action creator wrapped into a dispatch call so they may be invoked directly. In Redux used with React, react-redux will provide you with the dispatch function so you can call it directly.

The only use case for bindActionCreators is when you want to pass some action creators down to a component that isn't aware of Redux, and you don't want to pass dispatch or the Redux store to it.

redux documentation for more information/examples about the bindActionCreators() function.

Action Creators

Action Creators are simple functions that return an action, and an action is a plain javascript object.


Redux serves to construct the application state and React provides the views to display that state.

Redux and React are inherently disconnected and it's only through the use of React-Redux that we get any clear connection between the two libraries. In other words, we use React-Redux as a bridge between the two separate libraries.


  • A reducer is a function that returns a piece of the application's state.
  • The application's state is a plain javascript object.
  • Reducers produce the value of the applications state.
  • The application's state is formed by the reducers.
  • All reducers are combined together with the use of the combineReducers() method.
  • For each key in the combineReducers() object a single reducer is assigned. Where that specific reducer assigned is responsible for producing that particular piece of state
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import BooksReducer from './reducer_books';
import ActiveBook from './reducer_active_book';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  books: BooksReducer,
  activeBook: ActiveBook

export default rootReducer;

In the above example, whatever state ActiveBook returns will be available as activeBook piece of application state

Creating a reducer is a two step process:

  1. Create the reducer
  2. Wire it into the application.

All reducers get 2 arguments:

  • current state
  • action

The redux.js docs define combineReducers() function as: The combineReducers helper function turns an object whose values are different reducing functions into a single reducing function you can pass to createStore.


rootReducer = combineReducers({potato: potatoReducer, tomato: tomatoReducer})
// This would produce the following state object
  potato: {
    // ... potatoes, and other state managed by the potatoReducer ...
  tomato: {
    // ... tomatoes, and other state managed by the tomatoReducer, maybe some nice sauce? ...

Smart Component vs Dumb Component

Here is a link for more information on Smart Components vs Dumb Components

Typically Smart Components and Dumb Components would be saved to separate locations.


React-Redux makes the connect function available, which takes a function and a component and produces a container.

The container is a component that is aware of the state that is contained by redux.


Here is a link to an article that contains more information about mapStateToProps.

The mapStateToProps()'s first argument is the applications state and it returns an object.

The object that is returned, Will be available to our component as this.props.

mapStateToProps() is basically the glue between react and redux.

If the application's state changes, the container will automatically re-render.