
Dropbear in an Docker container

Primary LanguageShell

##Docker image simonswine/dropbear

Minimal docker image with SSH daemon dropbear.

  • Creates host keys if non existing
  • Could be used for restricted root ssh access

###Example usage

Container only no volumes

# Fetch image
docker fetch simonswine/dropbear

# Start a container and map to host port 22001 
docker run -d -p 22001:22 simonswine/dropbear

# Add a public key
docker exec -t -i 1f4d54 /bin/bash
root@1f4d54c419e3:/# mkdir -p /root/.ssh && echo "ssh-rsa [...]" > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Persistent volumes

# Fetch image
docker fetch simonswine/dropbear

# Start a container and map to host port 22001 
docker run -d -p 22001:22 \
   -v /_container1/dropbear:/etc/dropbear \
   -v /_container1/ssh:/root/.ssh \

# Add a public key
echo "ssh-rsa [...]" > /_container1/ssh/authorized_keys

Example with capistrano