- List 1
- List 2
- List 3
- List 4
- Inheritance 1
- Inheritance 2
- Inheritance 3
- Asymtoptics 1
- Asymtoptics 2
- Disjoint Set
- Git
- B-Tree
- Red Black Tree
- Hashing
- Heap / Priority Heap
- Shortest Path: Dijktra & A*
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- KD-Tree
- Trie
- Software Engineering
- Lab2: Debugging (due 01/29)
- Lab3: Randomizing Testing and Timing
- Lab4: Git and Debugging
- Lab6: Canine Capers (file operations and serialization)
- Lab6 sp19: Union Find
- Lab7: BSTMap
- Proj0: 2048
- Proj1: Data Structures
- Proj1EC: Testing
- Proj2: Gitlet | Design Doc | Autograder results (Some tests are flawed in nature.)
- Proj2 (fa20): BearMaps
- Proj3: BYOW | Design Doc
- Disc2: Introduction To Java
- Disc2: Scope, Pass by Value, Static (Exam Prep)
- Disc3: Scope, Static, Linked Lists
- Disc3: Linked Lists Exam Prep
- Disc4: Inheritance and Implements Exam Prep
- Disc5: Polymorphism, Iterators, and Iterables
- Disc5: Polymorphism, Iterators, and Iterables Exam Prep
- Disc6: Disjoint Sets and Asymptotics
- Disc8: B-Trees, Red Black Trees, and Hashing
- Disc9: Heaps and Graphs
- Disc10: Shortest Paths and MSTs