
Multi-functional and easy-to-use form framework

Primary LanguagePHP



Multi-functional and easy-to-use form framework

It was created with the goal of a highly convenient API. No more worrying about forms!


  • Full validation of form (security)
  • Supports class inheritance style / callback style
  • Supports method chain style
  • Custom handler buttons/elements for DRY
  • Display the message in the form
  • Highlight the elements of custom form
  • Keep content when resend form
  • Form back support (Easily install the back button/toggle)
  • Numerical validation of Input
  • Strict type support

How to use

Class inheritance style

You can create a constructor for every class inheritance style form.

  • __construct: the initialization process of the form

Arguments to pass to create

  • title: Form title


  • elements: Form elements (optional)
public function __construct(string $title, array $elements = [])
  • handleSubmit: Called when the form is submitted
  • handleClose: Called when the form is closed (optional)
use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\CustomForm;
use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\response\CustomFormResponse;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class ExampleForm extends CustomForm
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct("This is title");

    protected function handleSubmit(Player $player, CustomFormResponse $response): void

    protected function handleClose(Player $player): void


  • content: Form content
  • buttons: Form buttons (optional)
public function __construct(string $title, string $content, array $buttons = [])
  • handleSelect: Called when the form is button selected
  • handleClose: Called when the form is closed (optional)
use pjz9n\advancedform\menu\button\MenuButton;
use pjz9n\advancedform\menu\MenuForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class ExampleMenu extends MenuForm
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct("This is title", "This is content");

    protected function handleSelect(Player $player, MenuButton $button): void

    protected function handleClose(Player $player): void


  • content: Form content
  • button1Text: Button 1 text (optional)
  • button2Text: Button 2 text (optional)
public function __construct(string $title, string $content, string $button1Text = "gui.yes", string $button2Text = "gui.no")
  • handleChoice: Called when the form is choiced
use pjz9n\advancedform\modal\ModalForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

class ExampleForm extends ModalForm
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct("This is title", "This is content", "This is button1", "This is button2");

    protected function handleChoice(Player $player, bool $choice): void

Callback style

Basically the same as the class inheritance style, but accepts closures as arguments.

It's easy to use, so it's useful for one-time forms.


Method signature

use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\CallbackCustomForm;

public static function CallbackCustomForm::create(string $title, Closure $handleSubmit, ?Closure $handleClose = null): CallbackCustomForm

Example code

use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\CallbackCustomForm;
use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\element\Input;
use pjz9n\advancedform\custom\response\CustomFormResponse;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

$form = CallbackCustomForm::create("This is title", function (Player $player, CustomFormResponse $response): void {
}, function (Player $player): void {


Method signature

use pjz9n\advancedform\menu\CallbackMenuForm;

public static function CallbackMenuForm::create(string $title, string $content, Closure $handleSelect, ?Closure $handleClose = null): CallbackMenuForm

Example code

use pjz9n\advancedform\menu\button\MenuButton;
use pjz9n\advancedform\menu\CallbackMenuForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

$form = CallbackMenuForm::create("This is title", "This is content", function (Player $player, MenuButton $menuButton): void {
}, function (Player $player): void {


Method signature

use pjz9n\advancedform\modal\CallbackModalForm;

public static function CallbackModalForm::create(string $title, string $content, Closure $handleChoice, string $button1Text = "gui.yes", string $button2Text = "gui.no"): CallbackModalForm

Example code

use pjz9n\advancedform\modal\CallbackModalForm;
use pocketmine\player\Player;

$form = new CallbackModalForm("This is title", "This is content", function (Player $player, bool $choice): void {
}, "This is button1", "This is button2");