
PHP form submision progress bar

Primary LanguagePHP

Apinstall v0.0.6 (project closed)

The end of blank pages while running PHP intensive scripts.

(works with: IE, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


  • Intensive php processes can be visible to user
  • Application installing process visible to user
  • Fun dealing with process bar ;)

How it`s made? It is hard?

Class is very simple to implement its consist of:

  • 80% of PHP
  • 5% of CSS
  • 15% of jQuery javascript


(full example avaible in zip archive: install.php)

Put this in your site header

require_once('class/class.install.php'); //inlude apinstall class  
$install = new Installer(); //initialize it

Then this can be in body tags or whatever you want

$install->setLogPath('/home/user/public_html/apinstall'); //path to logfile
//no trailing slash!

$install->setSteps(3); //set how many steps there will be (3 in this example)

$install->defineBar('#E54000', '#E54000'); //choose colour of ( bar, text)

$install->placeholder(); //define place for your progress bar

Then create submision form, don`t forget: form id="apiform" target="progressFrame" and input id="apisubmit" for submit button.

For example it can looks like in the example:

<form id="apiform" target="progressFrame" method="post">
<input id="apisubmit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Show me how it works!"> 

Ok, main part of this script:

#1 step
$output = 'Sending mails'; //title of this process
Process itself (f.e sending mails)

#2 step
$output = 'Optimizing database';
Optimizing database code

//Inform user that script has finished

#3 step
$output = 'Completed';
$install->delay(5); //make delay in seconds to show finished state longer.

Advanced options

If you have already included jQuery library put true inside initiatior

$install = new Installer(true); //initialize it

Delay function can be also smller than 1 second. Remember to add this function under your process code.

$install->delay(0.20); //0.2 sec of delay

Clearing temporary files can be used in two ways:

$install->clearTemp(); //clear files

$install->clearTemp(true); //delete files


  1. Work on PHP 5.0 or higher
  2. Class have to be initialized in head sector
  3. Logfile path folder have to be writable
  4. Animation of progress bar visibility from 0.1 sec not less