
This is the source code of our TOMM 2023 paper "MKVSE: Multimodal Knowledge Enhanced Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval". Please cite the following paper if you use our code.

Duoduo Feng, Xiangteng He and Yuxin Peng, "MKVSE: Multimodal Knowledge Enhanced Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2023.


We referred to the implementations of GPO and CVSE to build up our codebase. We used the following key dependencies:

  • Python 3.7.3

  • Pytorch 1.2.0

  • Transformers 4.12.5

Run conda env create -f environment.yml || conda env update -f environment.yml to install the same dependencies as our experiments. Download the pre-trained Bert params "config.json", "pytorch_model.bin" and "vocab.txt" in hugging face's bert-base-uncased and put them in the folder MKG/bert-base-uncased and MGCN/bert-base-uncased.

Data Preparation

We organize the data folder in the following manner:

├── coco
│   ├── precomp  # pre-computed BUTD region features for COCO
│   │      ├── train_ids.txt
│   │      ├── train_caps.txt
│   │      ├── ......
│   │
│   ├── Concept_annotaions  # graph data from CVSE
│   │      ├── coco_adj_concepts.pkl
│   │      └── coco_concepts_glove_word2vec.pkl
├── f30k
│   ├── precomp  # pre-computed BUTD region features for Flickr30k
│   │      ├── train_ids.txt
│   │      ├── train_caps.txt
│   │      ├── ......
│   │
│   ├── Concept_annotaions  # graph data from CVSE
│   │      ├── f30k_adj_concepts.pkl
│   │      └── f30k_concepts_glove_word2vec.pkl
└── VisualGenome
       ├── image_data.json # image meta data
       └── objects.json # object data

The data preparation steps are as follows:

  1. Download the Flickr30K/MSCOCO precomputed BUTD features and corresponding vocabularies are from the offical repo of BUTD and put them in the folder data/f30k/precomp and data/coco/precomp.
  2. Download the files "image meta data" and "objects" of VisualGenome v1.2. Then unzip and put them in the folder data/VisualGenome.
  3. Download the files "f30k_concepts_glove_word2vec.pkl" and "f30k_adj_concepts.pkl" of CVSE and put them in the folder data/f30k/Concept_annotations/. Download the files "coco_concepts_glove_word2vec.pkl" and "coco_adj_concepts.pkl" of CVSE and put them in the folder data/coco/Concept_annotations/.


Start training by executing the following commands. <this_project_abspath> is the absolute path of this project. It will train the <model_name> (MKG/MGCN) model on the <dataset_name> (f30k/coco) dataset.

export PROJECT_PATH="<this_project_abspath>"
cd ${PROJECT_PATH}/<model_name>
bash train_<model_name>_<dataset_name>.sh

To get the ensemble results of two datasets, run the following scripts:

export PROJECT_PATH="<this_project_abspath>"

For any questions, feel free to contact us ( Welcome to our Laboratory Homepage for more information about our papers, source codes, and datasets.