Lecturer: Zhanxing Zhu
Teaching Assistants:
- Hantao Guo, guohantao@pku.edu.cn
- Yuanjin Zhu, syxz1995@gmail.com
- Junzhao Zhang, 1801213960@pku.edu.cn
Time: Mon: 1:00-2:50 pm; Thu(odd week): 3:10-5:00 pm.
Location: Room 107, Teaching Building 2
This course is a preliminary course for learning from data, artificial intelligence and other related application areas.
- Calculus, linear algebra, basic statistics, numerical optimization, signal processing
- Programming and algorithms, e.g. Python
Mid-term exam (40%): writing exam (Dec 9)
Final projects (60%):
- Kaggle-in-Class competition, select 1 out of 3
- including submission to the Kaggle platform and report writing
- Deadline: Jan 19, 2020 (strict)
- At most 2 students as a team
- the links of competitions are as follows
- Elements of statistical learning
- Pattern recognition and machine learning
- Vapnik. The nature of statistical learning theory
- 《数据科学导引》
- Mon 9/16: Data Preprocess
- Mon 9/23: Regression
- Mon 10/21: Clustering
- Thu 10/24: Dimension Reduction1
- Mon 10/28: Dimension Reduction2
- Mon 11/4: Graphical Models1
- Thu 11/7: Graphical Models2
- Mon 11/11: Graphical Models3
- Mon 11/18: Graphical Models4
- Thu 11/21: Graphical Models5
- Mon 11/25: Topic Model
- Mon 12/2: Introduction to Deep Learning
- Thu 12/7
- Mon 12/9: Mid-term Exam
- Mon 12/16
- Thu 12/19
- Mon 12/23