
Set up CMSSW

cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_18
cd CMSSW_10_2_18/src

Set up official NanoAOD-tools

git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools

Get customized NanoAOD tools for HeavyResTagging (NanoHRT-tools)

git clone PhysicsTools/NanoHRTTools


scram b -j8


Instructions to run the nanoAOD postprocessor can be found at nanoAOD-tools.


cd PhysicsTools/NanoHRTTools/run
Make trees for MC performance study:
python [-i /path/of/input] -o /path/to/output -d datasets.yaml --friend 
-I PhysicsTools.NanoHRTTools.producers.hrtMCTreeProducer hrtMCTree -n 1

To merge the trees, run the same command but add --post -w '' (i.e., set -w to an empty string ('') -- we do not add the cross sections, but simply reweight signals to match the QCD spectrum afterwards).

Make trees for Top/W tagging data/MC comparison and scale factor measurement:
python -i /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcjme/noreplica/NanoHRT/path/to/input -o /path/to/output
(--sample-dir custom_samples) --channel [muon|photon|qcd] --year [2016|2017|2018] -n 20 --batch
  • the preselection for each channel is coded in
  • add --run-data to make data trees
  • add --run-syst to make the systematic trees
  • can run data & MC for multiple years together w/ e.g., --year 2016,2017,2018. The --run-data option will be ignored in this case. Add also --run-syst to make the systematic trees.
  • use --sample-dir to specify the directory containing the sample lists. Currently we maintain two sets of sample lists: the default one is under samples which is used for running over official NanoAOD datasets remotely, and the other one is custom_samples which is used for running over privately produced NanoAOD datasets locally. To run over the private produced samples, ones needs to add --sample-dir custom_samples to the command line.
  • the --batch option will submit jobs to condor automatically wihtout confirmation
  • remove -i to run over remote files (e.g., official NanoAOD, or private NanoAOD published on DAS); consider adding --prefetch to copy files first before running
Make trees for heavy flavour tagging (bb/cc) data/MC comparison and scale factor measurement:
python -i /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcjme/noreplica/NanoHRT/path/to/input -o /path/to/output 
(--sample-dir custom_samples) --jet-type [ak8,ak15] --channel [photon|qcd] --year [2016|2017|2018] -n 20 --batch

(Please see above for the command line options.)

More options of or (a wrapper of can be found with python -h or python -h, e.g.,

  • To resubmit failed jobs, run the same command but add --resubmit.

  • To add cross section weights and merge output trees according to the config file, run the same command but add --post. The cross section file to use can be set with the -w option.