Steps for setup:

  1. release CMSSW_10_6_27

  2. Set up NanoAOD tools

    cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
    git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
    cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
    scram b
  3. Set up VVV codes

    cd python/postprocessing
    ##clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/gqlcms/XWWNano.git analysis
    cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
    scram b

    Noticed that the crab_help.py is written in python3, hence the scram b in CMSSW would leave some error message. Since this crab helper normally would not be included by other codes, you can ignore these errors.

  4. Substitute some outdated files with init.sh (refer to Meng's code: https://github.com/menglu21/TTC)

    cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/analysis
    source init.sh


cd analysis/test
source run.sh

Crab mode

cd crab

The crab mode is based on official nanotools. See reference: https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools/tree/master/crab

The crab_help.py is designed to simplify the repeated process. And the input.json is a sample for how to provide input for crab_help.py. HWW_crab_script.sh is the executed code on crab.

First you need to generate the cfg file for crab job.

python3 crab_help.py -f input.json -m prepare

It will create a folder that with cfg files inside automatically. Noticed that some paths in crab_help.py need to be changed according to different user.

Then you can submit crab jobs with:

python3 crab_help.py -f input.json -m submit

Similarly, you can use -m status, -m resubmit, -m kill to batchly operate crab jobs. (refer to Sen's code: https://github.com/Senphy/nanoAOD-WVG)

Since crab will upload the whole directory when submitting jobs, before the submission, you should place this XWWNano to a directory except /PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/:

cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_27
cd CMSSW_10_6_27/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools 
cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b
git clone https://github.com/gqlcms/XWWNano.git
cd XWWNano

We need to update some files for official NanoAOD-tools. Also we need to scram the new modules.

mv modules/* $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/modules/
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b


cd TransferTree

The TransferTree part is used to transfer the ntuple file to new tree with branches you needed, based on RDataFrame. See reference:https://root.cern/doc/master/classROOT_1_1RDataFrame.html

The example code shows how to transfer a test root file to an output file with new tree we wants, the main code is Transfer_Tree.py in /TransferTree/Tool/Transfer_Tree/ and deepWH_new.py in /TransferTree/config/Intime/.

By running(Of course you can run the commands in TransferTree.sh with command line directly, and please remind to change the path according to different user):

source ./Tool/TransferTree/TransferTree.sh

The test input file named HWW2q_3m_Skim.root can be transfered to a output file HWW2q_3m_Tree.root, with a new tree NewTree and new branch deepWH in it.


cd Makeplots

The MODE option contains MC, MCvsDATA, DECO, the y option contains 16,17,18, and the REGION option contains the selection or region defines by users, like PS2, etc.

For example,run the Makeplots_XWW.py by:

python Makeplots_XWW.py --MODE DECO --REGION PS2 --y 17

Please remind to change the path according to different user.


This directory is about the signal sample production using Powheg. For detail about Powheg, see reference: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PowhegBOXPrecompiled

Create a CMSSW work area:

cmsrel CMSSW_9_3_0
cd CMSSW_9_3_0/src

Checkout the scripts:

git clone https://github.com/cms-sw/genproductions.git genproductions
cd genproductions/bin/Powheg

Get the inputs card files, while there are two modifications needed:

mkdir gg_H
cd gg_H
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-sw/genproductions/master/bin/Powheg/examples/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_withJHUGen_NNPDF30_13TeV/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-sw/genproductions/master/bin/Powheg/examples/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_withJHUGen_NNPDF30_13TeV/JHUGen.input

The first modification is to use 325300 for 5f scheme:

vi gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input

Change lhans1 260000 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering) to lhans1 325300 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering).

The second modification is on JHUGen side, change the decay mode.(See reference: https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/Manual.pdf):

vi JHUGen.input

For 4q final state, change Collider=1 PChannel=0 Process=0 Unweighted=1 DecayMode1=0 DecayMode2=0 OffshellX=0 to Collider=1 PChannel=0 Process=0 Unweighted=1 DecayMode1=5 DecayMode2=5 OffshellX=0.

cd ..
python ./run_pwg_condor.py -p f -i gg_H/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input -m gg_H_quark-mass-effects -f my_ggH -q longlunch -n 1000

The definition for the input parameters: -p grid production stage [0] (compiling source) -i intput card name [powheg.input] -m process name (process defined in POWHEG) -f working folder [my_ggH] -q job flavor / batch queue name (run locally if not specified)

Then, a tar ball with the name my_ggH_gg_H_quark-mass-effects_<SCRAM_ARCH>_<CMSSW_VERSION>.tgz will be created.

For technology detail, See : https://indico.cern.ch/event/1078192/contributions/4534876/attachments/2315996/3942533/ggHWW4qPowhegSitianSep24.pdf

For condor submitting jobs:

cd XWWNano/Powheg
mkdir log
condor submit submit_nanov9.jdl

private NanoAOD

generate customized nanoAOD with addtional fatJets taggers

  1. test condor scripts, for example:
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --createfilejson --debugkeepN 2 --debug

python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --outputPath "output path" --year 2016 --excutable "exe for UL16 data" --TaskFolder "folders keep condor submit files and log files" --submitsh "submit scripts" --Condor

sh submit_test.sh
  1. submit condor jobs, for example: mc:
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --createfilejson

python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --outputPath "output path" --year 2016 --excutable "exe for UL16 data" --TaskFolder "folders keep condor submit files and log files" --submitsh "submit scripts" --Condor

sh "submit scripts"

HWW/gKK TransferTree

In TransferTree directory, we have 2 TransferTree frameworks for gKK and HWW, respectively, for now:gKK,HWW.

In the future, we consider to add different modes and so to merge these 2 frameworks together, and let users to run in one frameworks.

Now, for example, to run the HWW TransferTree framework, similar in gKK TransferTree framework:

First, compile the C files:

cd XWWNano/TransferTree/HWW
root -l

Then, in root space,


After compiling successfully, runEDBR2PKUTree.py can be used: For example, with signal ntuples:

python runEDBR2PKUTree.py  --inputfile "YOUR INPUT FILES" --outputfile "YOUR OUTPUT FILES" --year  "YOUR SAMPLE YEAR" --sampleXS "YOUR SAMPLE XS" --channel "had"  -S


In condor directory under cmsconnect.

For submitting jobs without VBF modules.

  1. Create json file
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --createfilejson

2.Create submit.cmd to be submitted on condor, using UL18A for example.

python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --outputPath "" --year 2018 --excutable "exe_Ntuple_data.sh" --TaskFolder "dir on cmsconnect for condor log" --submitsh "sh file dir on cmsconnect" --Condor --Input "x509up_u100637,Scripts/fetchFiles.py" --AddtionalArgs "-a '-o ./ -d --year UL2018A'" --MODE XWWNano

For submitting jobs with VBF modules.

  1. Create json file
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --createfilejson

2.Create submit.cmd to be submitted on condor, using UL18A for example.

python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --outputPath "" --year 2018 --excutable "exe_Ntuple_data_XWW.sh" --TaskFolder "dir on cmsconnect for condor log" --submitsh "sh file dir on cmsconnect" --Condor --Input "x509up_u100637,Scripts/fetchFiles.py" --AddtionalArgs "-a '-o ./ -d --year UL2018A'" --MODE XWWNano

Please notice to change the vom id for different users.