
Serverless SSR with svelte and snowpack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fast static website generator with progressive enhancement - based on Svelte and Snowpack, inspired by svelvet.


But Why?

Now and then I have to build a mostly static website that does not need a fancy server. It seems wrong to serve an empty html shell only to load a script that builds the DOM.

Existing generators are a bit too powerful/opinionated for my taste.

  • Sapper is great and I use it a lot. It can export static sites. But it's too much when I just need to build a simple website and not an app.
  • Snowpack seems like a good idea - ditch the bundler and rely on current browsers that support ESM. With svatic I get to show old browsers something and progressively enhance in modern ones.
  • I can't stand waiting for a bundler to finish.
  • I just love svelte and would like to use it as a templating language.


  • Svelte-only. Not html wrappers needed.
  • Fast!
  • No crawling needed.
  • As simple as possible, as flexible as necessary.



A very simple cli renders .svelte files in src to hydratable .html and copies other files.

npm i --save-dev PKlknr/svatic
npx svatic

Now, when you create e.g. src/Index.svelte, it will create dest/index.html and serve it with live-reloading.


watch and build take the same options. serve takes additional servorOptions.

watch will only rebuild changed files and files that depend on them. It's fast!


const {watch, build, serve} = require('svatic');

  pageMap: [
    {src: 'Index.svelte', dest: 'index.html'},
    {src: 'Privacy.svelte', dest: 'privacy.html', hydratable: true},
    {src: 'Contact.svelte', dest: 'imprint.html'},
}).then(() => console.log('done'))

All options

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const srcDir = './src';
const destDir = dev ? './out' : './dist';

const pageMap = [
  {src: 'Index.svelte', dest: 'index.html'},
  // hydratable tells build to hydrate the page
  {src: 'Privacy.svelte', dest: 'privacy.html', hydratable: true,},
  // props are passed to the root component
  {src: 'Contact.svelte', dest: 'imprint.html' props: {lang: 'en'}},

// Define some tasks needed for a full website
const dirs = () => ...

  srcDir,  // (./src)  - pageMap[].src is relative to this
  destDir, // (./dist) - write here
  pageMap, // don't want to dictate a structure. May accept function in the future

  // hooks: All hooks are run on start. When watching, hooks are run when
  // their filter returns true.
  hooks: [
    {task: dirs},
    {task: installFonts},
    {filter: filename => filename.endsWith('.css'), task: buildTailwind},
    {filter: filename => filename.includes('src/img'), task: images},

  afterBuild, // (noop) - function that is called after each build. First
              // param is error if apllicable

  // servorOptions are passed to servor
  servorOptions: {port: 3000},

How it works

See example/src

1. Static: Generate static HTML from Svelte-components and inject style.

We include the whole html-document in a Svelte-component, so we don't need to crawl a site.

Note: This depends on sveltejs/svelte#4309

2. Enhance: Build hydrators and inject a snippet to load them into the generated html

This is heavily inspired by what svelvet does.

3. Run snowpack to copy dependencies

4. Transform paths

Turns .svelte into .svelte.js. Points at web_modules.

5. Watch

Build a map of dependencies for each page. On change, rebuild the changed file and all files depending on it.

Try it

git clone https://github.com/PKlknr/svatic
cd svatic
npm i

node example/build.pureHtml.js
node example/build.hydrate.js

... and have a look at example/*/out