
タブ右クリックからタブを別のウインドウに送る Firefox アドオン

Primary LanguageJavaScript


タブ右クリックからタブを別のウインドウに移動させる Firefox アドオン。

e10s 対応。



Other addons can use this addon by using sendMessage

browser.runtime.sendMessage('{2bd73814-983c-42f3-a6d5-e68c4668a4cf}', {
  type: 'move',
  keyType: 'right',
  tabId: 15,
  toWindowId: 24,
  notification: false
browser.runtime.sendMessage('{2bd73814-983c-42f3-a6d5-e68c4668a4cf}', {
  type: 'move',
  keyType: 'raw',
  tabIds: [15, 46, 2],
  toWindowId: 24,
  notification: false




Property name Type Description
type string move
keyType string one, right, thisAndRight, left, thisAndLeft, all, select, or raw
tabId number The ID of a selected tab when keyType is one, right, thisAndRight, left, thisAndLeft, all, or select
tabIds Array of number The IDs of selected tabs when keyType is raw
toWindowId number The ID of a destination window. undefined for new window
notification boolean Whether to show notification