The Poisson lognormal model and variants can be used for analysis of mutivariate count data. This package implements efficient algorithms extracting meaningful data from difficult to interpret and complex multivariate count data. It has been built to scale on large datasets even though it has memory limitations. Possible fields of applications include
- Genomics (number of times a gene is expressed in a cell)
- Ecology (species abundances)
One main functionality is to normalize the count data to obtain more valuable data. It also analyse the significance of each variable and their correlation as well as the weight of covariates (if available).
The getting started can be found here. If you need just a quick view of the package, see the quickstart next.
pyPLNmodels is available on pypi. The development version is available on GitHub.
pip install pyPLNmodels
The package comes with an ecological data set to present the functionality
import pyPLNmodels
from pyPLNmodels.models import PlnPCAcollection, Pln, ZIPln
from pyPLNmodels.oaks import load_oaks
oaks = load_oaks()
pln = Pln.from_formula("endog ~ 1 + tree + dist2ground + orientation ", data = oaks, take_log_offsets = True)
transformed_data = pln.transform()
pca = PlnPCAcollection.from_formula("endog ~ 1 + tree + dist2ground + orientation ", data = oaks, take_log_offsets = True, ranks = [3,4,5])
transformed_data = pca.best_model().transform()
zi = ZIPln.from_formula("endog ~ 1 + tree + dist2ground + orientation ", data = oaks, take_log_offsets = True)
transformed_data = zi.transform()
Feel free to contribute, but read the first. A public roadmap will be available soon.
Please cite our work using the following references:
- J. Chiquet, M. Mariadassou and S. Robin: Variational inference for probabilistic Poisson PCA, the Annals of Applied Statistics, 12: 2674–2698, 2018. link