
Repo for assignment 3, Object Oriented PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


Repo for assignment 3, Object Oriented PHP



This will be the main "view" file where all the output will go. This is also where the HTML code will go. All of the data produced from the class and subclass will show on this page.


Similar to what we went over in class, we want to create a php class, with objects and methods that we can extent to another class.

Include the following:

  • function(s) that will take any type of paramters you want (string, number, array, etc), work with those parameters and deliver some sort of output.
  • make sure to use at least 2 php magic methods (one you pretty much have to have)
  • for example you could have the class accept text values and put them together for display (similar to what we did in class. you should try to come up with somethig original though)


Here we want to extend the class we created in the above file

You can have any number of methods that will in some way use the parent class but also implemennt it's own separate functionality

Include the following

  • at least 2 php magic methods
  • clone the original object for later use


Fork and clone this repo locally Create a new branch to work on (not master) When you are done working, submit a pull request to the repo

When I run the code, I'm expecting the following

  • some sort of styled output (doesn't need to be a work of art, but do something to make it look nice)
  • use variables when appropriate
  • use arrays when appropriate
  • you don't need to do anything with js, unless you want to
  • there should be no php errors on the page (zero points if the code does not run)
  • display the data you created in the models
  • change that data and show any progression of change (like how we did in the class example)
  • you are free to create whatever data you want

you can also refer to the oop php example files that can be found on the class site

(file tree is the way it is for ease of including assets)