The core components of the NIST Policy Machine, a reference implementation of the Next Generation Access Control (NGAC) standard. For complete documentation and detailed examples visit the Wiki.
Policy Machine Core uses JitPack to compile and build the artifact to import into projects. First, add jitpack as a repository
Then, add the maven dependency
Policy Machine Language docs can be found here
String pal = """
set resource access rights ["read", "write"]
create policy class "pc1"
create user attribute "ua1" in ["pc1"]
create user attribute "oa1" in ["pc1"]
associate "ua1" and "oa1" with ["read", "write"]
create policy class "pc2"
assign "ua2" to ["pc2"]
create user attribute "oa2" in ["pc2"]
associate "ua2" and "oa2" with ["read", "write"]
create user "u1" in ["ua1", "ua2"]
create user "u2" in ["ua1", "ua2"]
create object "o1" in ["oa1", "oa2"]
create prohibition "u2-prohibition"
deny user "u2"
access rights ["write"]
on intersection of ["oa1", "oa2"]
create obligation "o1-obligation" {
create rule "o1-assignment-rule"
when any user
performs ["assign"]
on "o1"
do(evtCtx) {
let parent = evtCtx["parent"]
associate "ua1" and parent with ["read", "write"]
associate "ua2" and parent with ["read", "write"]
No access checks are done yet, the user is needed to know who the author of any obligations are.
UserContext superUser = new UserContext(SUPER_USER);
PAP pap = new MemoryPAP();
pap.deserialize().fromPML(superUser, input);
PDP pdp = new MemoryPDP(pap);
This transaction will create 'pc3' and 'oa3', then assign 'o1' to 'oa3'. This will trigger the obligation to associate 'ua1' and 'ua2' with 'oa3'.
pdp.runTx(superUser, (policy) -> {
policy.graph().createObjectAttribute("oa3", "pc2");
policy.graph().assign("o1", "oa3");
u1 does not have permission to create an object attribute in 'oa1'. This transaction will fail and 'newOA' will not be created.
UserContext u1 = new UserContext("u1");
pdp.runTx(u1, (policy) -> {
policy.graph().createObjectAttribute("newOA", "oa1");
An EPP will listen to policy events from the provided PDP and process obligations accordingly.
EPP epp = new EPP(pdp, pap);