Theme Customizer

A Magnento 2.4.x compatible extension to allow easy overrides for theme colors via the Admin UI. The user has the ability to create skins, which is a set of css overides for a particular theme. The skins are maintaned and saved separately from the theme, so they can be applied to or removed from any theme as necessary.

Please note

The primary use of this exention is to quickly customize a theme for demonstration purposes. It is NOT recommeded for use in a production environment. Requires module-sctools only for menu placement.


  • Element - The definition of a theme override. Includes css code, and UI Definitions
  • Skin - A set of element configurations that can be applied to themes
  • Template - A read only skin that can be duplicated as the start of a customization. Templates defined include existing themes -- Blank, Luma, Venia & Brentmill


  • The theme you want to customize should be assigned at the Store View. There is no accounting for theme inheritance from Store or Website at this time.
  • The UI is avilable under SC Tools->Theme Customizer
  • The first screen shows a list of defined templates and any skins that are created. Templates can only be duplicated. Skins can be edited, duplicated and applied to themes.
  • If you want to make changes to an exising theme, you can duplicate its template, but that is not necessary. Only the elements you define in the skin will be overridden. All others will inherit the parent theme settings. For example, you can create a new skin and only edit the Primary Font Color. When applied to the Luma theme the Primary Font Color will be the only change, with all other colors remaining the same as the Luma theme.
  • Clicking on a field will bring up a color picker. You can manually enter RGB and Hex values. Or use your mouse to select the color by dragging the small circle and arrows in the color picker. After selecting your color, click the color wheel in the lower right to apply the changes.
  • There is an Additional CSS field to put in any additional css changes that arent covered by the defined fields.
  • To apply a skin to a theme, just select the theme and save the skin. If the theme has a different skin selected, it will be switched to your latest change.
  • You may need to flush the Magento and browser caches. The general rule of thumb is the first time a skin is applied to a theme, the Magento cache will need to be flushed. A change to a deployed skin will usually only require a browser cache flush.

Data Installer Support

Support is included for Data Installer import and GraphQL export. Supported data file name is theme_customizer.json

Export Query : identifiers - comma delimited list of configuration ids

    themeCustomizer(identifiers: [12]) {
        items {

Developer Notes


magentoese_themecustomizer_elements - definition of element

Column Description
element_id Autoincrement
element_code Unique string to identify element
frontend_label Name shown in admin UI
ui Selector interface in the admin UI. Currently only colorpicker supported
css_code CSS to be added that overrides the theme

magentoese_themecustomizer_skin - includes templates and saved skins

Column Description
skin_id Autoincrement
name Unique name
is_active Defaulted to 1
applied_to Id of theme skin is applied to. 0 if not applied
read_only 1 = template, 0 = skin
additional_css CSS added by the user in the UI
top_bar_color... Value input in the UI. The table is extended with a column for each element_code defined by the elements table

CSV Files examples

elements.csv (see magentoese_themecustomizer_elements table for field definitions) In the css_code field, the value to be substituted is represented by a variable ($top_bar_color) which should match the element_code

element_code frontend_label ui css_code
top_bar_color Top Bar Color colorpicker .page-header .panel.wrapper { background-color:$top_bar_color !important;}

templates.csv (see magentoese_themecustomizer_skins table for field definitions)

name read_only top_bar_color ...
Luma Theme Template 1 #ff00ff ...

Adding to HTML Head Script is added to Content->Design->Configuration->HTML Head for each store using the theme in order to include the appropriate css file <!-- START THEME CUSTOMIZER --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="{{MEDIA_URL}}MagentoLuma.css" /><!-- END THEME CUSTOMIZER -->

CSS File location Resulting css files are saved to the pub/media directory with the theme as the file name. Example: MagentoLuma.css


  • Filter by template vs. skin
  • Define Fonts for theme elements
  • Save skin as template
  • Mass delete skins
  • Add/Update elements and templates
  • Uninstall to clean up tags in head and removal of css files