This Project was made with a small team helmed by me to create a neighborhood produce market application. This application allows users to create an account and post their produce from their own garden for sale on this site. Users are also able to see other users produce within their zip code. This application was made with MySQL database, bootstrap framework, and MVC format with REST Route structure.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CLOVE: Community Local Organic Vegetable Exchange

License: ISC

Table of Contents

  1. Short Description
  2. Application Walkthrough
  3. Using the App Loaclly
  4. Using the App via Heroku
  5. Project Presentation
  6. Technologies Used
  7. Authors (+ Github Profiles)

Short Description

CLOVE, pronounced ‘see love’, is a community engagement application for backyard gardeners and lovers of fresh local produce.Producers can list their harvests for others to see, and consumers can use the interface to search for local produce. Additionally, you’ll find links to resources that can put you in touch with local charities that accept food donations, as well as food banks that are active in your area.

Application Walkthrough

Application Walkthrough

Using the App Locally

To begin installing the application on your local device, first clone the repository to your desired directory

git clone https://github.com/PN-Barnes/CLOVE.git

Next, open up the folder and create a .env file in the root directory. Inside the file, fill in the following:

DB_PASSWORD='<your mySQL password goes here>'
CLOUDINARY_NAME='<your Cloudinary name goes here>'
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY='<your Cloudinary API Key goes here>'
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET='<your Cloudinary API Secret goes here>'
CLOUDINARY_URL='<your Cloudinary URL goes here>'

Once that's done, install the required packages using npm i

After that, source the clove database using the following commands.

mysql -u root -p
source ./db/schema.sql

Finally, run the following two node commands to load the application:

npm run seed
npm run start

You can now go to http://localhost:3001 and browse our application!

Using the App via Heroku

If you don't want to go through all that trouble to view CLOVE, you could simply follow https://still-reef-24172.herokuapp.com/ to view the application from heroku.

Account for demo:

Username: user1

Password: 123123

Project Presentation

If you would like to view our project presentation, simply click here!

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • mySQL
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
  • Heroku
  • JawsDB
  • Cloudinary (API)

Authors (+ Github Profiles)