
Browser extension to extract comments and assist with web application penetration testing

Primary LanguageHTML


Over many years of penetration testing web applications, I have noticed that comments are likely to contain sensitive information. Comments can contain hardcoded credentials, references to internal systems and identifiers, references to sensitive or deprecated functionality, information about the developpers, etc. It can be rather time consuming to go through all the sources of a web application manually, and it may be more difficult to detect patterns when analysis is spread out over multiple pages. This tool exists to allow analysts to quickly profile a web application's comments with just 1 click. Based on the content and verbosity of the comments, analysts can quickly determine if the target application is more likely to contain additional vulnerabilities. In some scenarios, the tool may identify information disclosure vulnerabilities without further effort. Finally, the ability to identify interesting keywords was added to assist testers with rapid identification of potential attack vectors during initial content discovery phase.

This tool will have additonal functionality added periodically

CommentDump V3

This is a tool I developed to assist with web application penetration testing. The tool is a browser extension that works in chromium based browsers (chrome, edge, opera, etc.) The tool allows the analyst to rapidly browse through all comments from the current page and loaded resource files by isolating them and dumping the output to the developer console. The tool uses regular expression to identify comments in all formats (inline, multi-line, etc.) and provides the location of the source file for easy reference. Finally, the tool includes a built-in list of "interesting" keywords that will be highlighted if detected in a comment. The built-in list can be overridden with custom keywords by supplying a comma separated list to the input box and clicking extract.

CommentDump Screenshot


  1. git clone https://github.com/PN-Tester/commentDump/
  2. In chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions
  3. select the "Developer mode" switch in the upper right-hand corner
  4. Select "Load unpacked" button which appears in upper left-hand corner
  5. Select the commentDump folder and hit enter


  1. Open developer tools window and navigate to "console". This is where output from the extension goes.
  2. Click the extension icon to open extension pop-up
  3. Optionally, enter a comma separated list of keywords to detect in the box labelled "Enter Keywords". Leaving this blank will use default list.
  4. Click "extract". Console window is automatically cleared before results appear.