This program reads in a delimited text file that is in crosstab (aka PivotTable) format and writes out a new file where the data has been unpivotted.
UnpivotTool.exe /I:InputFilePath [/O:OutputDirectoryName]
[/F:FixedColumnCount] [/C:ColumnSepChar] [/B] [/N]
The input file path can contain the wildcard character *. If a wildcard is present, then all matching files will be processed.
The output directory name is optional. If omitted, the output files will be created in the same directory as the input file. If included, then a subdirectory is created with the name OutputDirectoryName.
Use /F
to define the number of fixed columns (default is /F:1
When unpivotting, data in these columns will be written to every row in the output file.
The default column separation character is the tab character.
Use /C
to define an alternate character. For example, use /C:,
for a comma.
For a space, use /C:space
Use /B
to skip writing blank column values to the output file.
Use /N
to skip writing Null values to the output file (as indicated by the word 'null').
UnpivotTable.exe /I:ExamplePivotTable.txt /F:2 /B /N
See ExamplePivotTable.txt for an example input file and ExamplePivotTable_Unpivot.txt for an example output file.
Written by Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
E-mail: or
Website: or
The Unpivot Tool is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License; you may not use this program except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Copyright 2009 Battelle Memorial Institute