Dataset Repository

We provide several datasets of different sizes associated to their acceptable solutions (i.e. other solutions are possible, but you are more likely to find the one provided) for you to execute your code.

  • Small datasets are made for you to quickly check your implementation, and see how things go.
  • Big ones are more realistic, and such large data can have a huge impact on your execution time.

As a runtime reference, Christophe provided an optimized APB-solution that takes 3.7 seconds to compute a solution on the 100.000 dataset , and 78 seconds to parse, match, and output the result on the 1.000.000 dataset.

Dataset Description

A dataset (or input-file) is made of 3 sections:

  1. metadata;
  2. student descriptions;
  3. and school descriptions.

The first section is a single line that contains 3 integers separated by spaces. They respectively represent:

  • the number of students' profiles P,
  • the number of schools S,
  • the size of the wish-list W (the number of choices made by the students) of all and every students.

Then, the second section contains P lines, each describing a student profile.

A student profile is made of (5+W) data, spaces-separated, presented in the following order:

  • first name ;
  • family name ;
  • gender F or M ;
  • birth-date in the yyyy-mm-dd format ;
  • current school academy of the student ;
  • and finally W school identifiers which is modelled as a sequence of integers.

Then the third and last section contains S lines, each describing a school profile.

A school profile is made of 5 data, spaces-separated, presented in the following order:

  • school name ;
  • its capacity i.e. the number (integer) of students that the school can welcome this year ;
  • academy of the school ;
  • size of the wish-list N ;
  • and the school wish-list which is N student identifiers.

In a school wish list, a given student is identified by her row-index in the P list.

Note: All text-fields can be upper/lower-cased letters with accents, dashes, and quotes.


Input file description

Below is an example of input file.

10 5 3
Geraldine   TELLIER          F 2000-02-25 Saint-Chamond     1 2 3
Filipe      DAVY             M 2000-08-18 Libourne          2 1 0
Brice       MANY             M 1998-12-20 Limoges           1 2 0
Erwan       GIRONDE          M 2000-08-24 Nice              1 2 3
Roxanne     FERNANDES        F 2001-08-21 Lanester          2 1 0
Thomas      BERTHET          M 2001-05-23 Dole              1 2 3
Marine      LOZACH           F 2000-01-30 Dijon             1 2 4
Clarisse    LEBAILLIF        F 1999-10-28 Avignon           0 1 3
Charlène    BENMANSOUR       F 2000-11-24 Marseille         4 3 1
Océane      BONNEFOY         F 1999-04-07 Villenave-d'Ornon 2 1 0
CPGE_Lycée_Bellevue          1 Toulouse         5 2 9 1 7 4
Université_Clermont-Auvergne 4 Clermont-Ferrand 10 7 9 1 3 2 5 0 4 6 8
Universitée_d’Angers         3 Angers           8 9 1 3 2 5 0 4 6
IUT_Chimie                   1 Grenoble         5 7 0 3 5 8
IUT_Environnement            1 Reims            2 6 8

As described in the previous section:

  • they are 10 student profiles, each making 3 choices, across 5 different schools.
  • The first line of the second section states that a girl named Geraldine TELLIER, born the 25th of february in 2000, currently living in Saint-Chamond, wants to go to schools identified by ids 1, 2 and 3.
  • By looking at the third section, we can say that she wants to go to the Université Clermont Auvergne (1) first, then to Université d'Angers (2), then finally to IUT Chimie of Grenoble (3); in that very order.
  • We can also note that IUT Chimie has ranked her in third position and has a capacity of 1 student.

Expected output file

Here is an example of the expected solution file to compute based on the data of the previous input file. In this case, it implements a stable mariage between schools and students, based on their respective wish lists.

The output format is a single line sequence of integers representing recruitments according to a position-based approach:

1 2 1 1 2 1 4 0 3 2

It means that :

  • Student #0 (here Geraldine) is recruited by school #1 (here Université_Clermont-Auvergne)
  • Student #1 (Filipe) is recruited by school #2 (Universitée_d’Angers)
  • ...
  • Student #9 (Océane) is also recruited by school #2.

If a student cannot be recruited in any school, the associated output is an X.