A Bluespec SystemVerilog Interface definition for DE10Pro projects. It defines a set of sub-interfaces exposing some of the devices available on the board to the code implementing the interface.
Available sub-interfaces
interface AXI4Lite_Slave #( t_h2f_lw_addr , t_h2f_lw_data , t_h2f_lw_awuser , t_h2f_lw_wuser , t_h2f_lw_buser , t_h2f_lw_aruser , t_h2f_lw_ruser ) axls_h2f_lw;
An AXI4 Lite slave port receiving requests from the ARM HPS embedded on the FPGA.
interface AXI4_Slave #( t_h2f_id , t_h2f_addr , t_h2f_data , t_h2f_awuser , t_h2f_wuser , t_h2f_buser , t_h2f_aruser , t_h2f_ruser ) axs_h2f;
An AXI4 slave port receiving requests from the ARM HPS embedded on the FPGA.
interface AXI4_Master #( t_f2h_id , t_f2h_addr , t_f2h_data , t_f2h_awuser , t_f2h_wuser , t_f2h_buser , t_f2h_aruser , t_f2h_ruser ) axm_f2h;
An AXI4 Master port sending requests to the ARM HPS embedded on the FPGA.
interface AXI4_Master #( t_ddrb_id , t_ddrb_addr , t_ddrb_data , t_ddrb_awuser , t_ddrb_wuser , t_ddrb_buser , t_ddrb_aruser , t_ddrb_ruser ) axm_ddrb;
An AXI4 Master port to reach the DDR B channel.
Defined similarly to DDRB.
Defined similarly to DDRB.
TX / RX links
interface Source #(t_link_tx) tx_north; interface Sink #(t_link_rx) rx_north; interface Source #(t_link_tx) tx_east; interface Sink #(t_link_rx) rx_east; interface Source #(t_link_tx) tx_south; interface Sink #(t_link_rx) rx_south; interface Source #(t_link_tx) tx_west; interface Sink #(t_link_rx) rx_west;
TX and RX link to be routed to the external links of the DE10.
interface Vector #(32, Irq) irqs;
A vector of 32 interrupt lines coming out of the implemented design, typically to be routed to the HPS.
Intended use
The design can use the DE10Pro_bsv_shell
interface and provide an implementation of the individual sub-interfaces.
The toDE10Pro_bsv_shell_Sig
module can then be used to retreive a DE10Pro_bsv_shell_Sig
interface which exposes signals with appropriate names for further usage in EDA tools (for example Quartus, with the help of the vipbundle tool).
A trivial example implementation of the interface, mkPassThroughToDRAMDE10Pro_bsv_shell
, can be found in DE10Pro_bsv_shell.bsv.