
Faster neofetch alternative, written in C. Still improving :)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

albafetch ~by alba4k


albafetch is a simple, fast system fetching program. It prints many info about the system in way less than a second. I decided to make this as a challenge for myself and since I found neofetch too slow (which is understandable from a 10k+ lines shell script).

Here is a time comparison (exact execution times change between machines and runs):

neofetch albafetch


Everything the program could need will be installed on your distribution out of te box (sh, lspci). I would reccoment double checking libalpm on archlinux-based systems (it's also a dependency of pacman, so that should already be there).


this will need gcc (make CC=[compiler] for other compilers, which should accept the same flags as gcc, e.g. clang) and make

$ git clone https://github.com/alba4k/albafetch
$ cd albafetch
$ make

An executable file should appear in build/ if the compilation succedes.


For Arch Linux based systems, an AUR package is avaiable (albafetch-git)

Manual installation:

this will need gcc (make CC=[compiler] install for other compilers, which should accept the same flags as gcc, e.g. clang) and make

$ git clone https://github.com/alba4k/albafetch
$ cd albafetch
# make install

make install needs to be ran as root (e.g. using sudo or in a root shell) to acces /usr/bin/. It will copy the executable from build/ to there.


A configuration should be placed in ~/.config/albafetch.conf (~/.config can be overwritten using the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environnment variable). An example config, with comments, is found in this repository.

How to write the config:

Basic rules:

  • comments start with ; and reach the end of the line
  • values can't be big than 32B (separators can get as long as 64B)
  • only ASCII characters will work
  • ending the file with a newline is reccomended

The config should be written in a key "value" format you can put something in between if you like (e.g. 'key = "value"' everything but a " or a keyword.

Options and default values:

spacing = "    "
separator1 = "\e[0m------------------"
separator2 = ""
separator_first = "\e[0m------------------"
separator_last = "\e[0m------------------"
dash_str = "\e[0m:"

print_cpu_freq = "true"
print_cpu_brand = "true"
print_gpu_freq = "true"
print_mem_perc = "true"
align_infos = "false"

default_color = ""
default_bold = "true"
default_logo = ""

col_block_len = "3"

title_prefix = ""
col_prefix = ""
hostname_label = "Hostname"
user_label = "User"
uptime_label = "Uptime"
os_label = "OS"
kernel_label = "Kernel"
desktop_label = "Desktop"
shell_label = "Shell"
term_label = "Terminal"
packages_label = "Packages"
host_label = "Host"
bios_label = "BIOS"
cpu_label = "CPU"
gpu_label = "GPU"
mem_label = "Memory"
pub_ip_label = "Publ. IP"
loc_ip_label = "Priv. IP"
pwd_label = "Directory"

Unset values will use the defaults Quotes in the config are not optional.

If a key is defined more than one the first one is the only oen that will get considered.

This repository contains a commented example config file (albafetch.conf) with the default values.

Source code editing:

If you like, you can directly modify the source code contained in this repository and recompile the program after. New logos can be added in src/logos.h (inside of const char *logos[][]) and in src/main.c (to make them show up in the help message).

Don't mind doing a pull request if you think some of the changes you made should be in the global version, just try to follow the formatting that's used in the rest of the file :)

Aaron Blasko, March 2022