
Javascript API for working with Sketch

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sketch API — Alpha

This is a prototype Javascript API for Sketch. It's still a work in progress, but the intention is to make something which is:

  • native Javascript
  • an easily understandable subset of the full internals of Sketch
  • fully supported by Bohemian between releases (ie we try not to change it, unlike our internal API which we can and do change whenever we need to)
  • still allows you to drop down to our internal API when absolutely necessary.

The idea is to keep this API as lean-and-mean as possible. The main reason for that is that if we (Bohemian) are committing ourselves to making sure that we don't break it, then it's essential that doing so doesn't become an unmanageable task.

The API would be a very core layer which interfaces with Sketch itself. Even with the small amount that I've done so far, I can definitely see the temptation to broaden the API and add lots of convenience methods and/or higher-level code that builds on the API. I think that's something that we should do as a community, but it makes sense to try to keep it separate from the core API effort. — @samdeane

api layers

There's no reason why we couldn't maintain two libraries, and have the utilities one only work with calls to the api one. That could have a lot more community input, and as long as it just calls the API, it should stay stable (if the API does!).

Again, this is very much a work in progress, so comments and suggestions for this API are welcome - send them to developers@sketchapp.com, or open an issue to have a public discussion.


The API comes bundled inside Sketch, so no installation is required.


Example script:

var sketch = context.api()


var document = sketch.frontDocument;
var selection = document.selection;
var page = document.selectedPage;

var group = page.newGroup({frame:sketch.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), name:"Test"});
var rect = group.newShape({frame:sketch.rectangle(10, 10, 80, 80)});

selection.iterate(function(item) { log(item.name); } );



sketch.input("Test", "default");
sketch.select("Test", ["One", "Two"], 1);
sketch.message("Hello mum!");
sketch.alert("Title", "message");


We would like to thank:

  • Andrey Shakhmin, for his inspiration during the Hamburg Hackathon, where he showed us how to use node modules inside Sketch.
  • The Sketch plugin community everywhere, for such awesome work.


If you want to build the library locally, you need to run this on the project's root folder (this assumes you already have node installed):

npm install -g gulp
npm install

Once that's ready, you can run:


to compile the library. By default, it will be saved to ../SketchPluginManager/Source/SketchAPI.js. You can specify your own output path by using the --output argument:

gulp --output Output/SketchAPI.js

To have Sketch use the .js file you just built, you can run this:

defaults write com.bohemiancoding.sketch3 SketchAPILocation "/path/to/SketchAPI.js"

and Sketch will load the external .js file instead of the bundled version.
