Simple physics with Python

Examples and exercises on elementary Physics

The ITALIAN version is available here

Chapter 1. Motion along a straight line

Chapter 2. Motion on a plane trajectory

Chapter 3. Support topics

Chapter 4. Further on



This project has been realized following the example of the GitHub repo Engineering Computations by Lorena A. Barba e Natalia C. Clementi


For interested users

For running the Python scripts contained in the Jupyter Notebooks of this collection even if Python and Jupyter are not installed on your device, you can use the binder environment online


We also suggest you to install the Anaconda package (Individual Edition), download a clone of the repository, and run the notebooks on your machine.



Copyright and License

(c) 2021, 2022 Andrea Mandanici, Giuseppe Mandaglio, Giovanni Pirrotta, Valeria Conti Nibali, Giacomo Fiumara - Physics with Open Source Software - UniMe (UniversitĂ  di Messina). All content is under Creative Common Attribution CC BY 4.0 and all code is under BSD 3-Clause License