Question on the checkpoint for Stylegan2 on FQ
lizaitang opened this issue · 9 comments
Excuse me, it seems that the google drive does not contain the checkpoint for StyleGAN on FQ dataset? How can I find it.
Same problem here. I remember that I have seen the pre-trained models on FFHQ a few weeks ago.
Yes, i can see links to features and moments but not checkpoint
We deleted pretrained weights temporarily for internal reasons.
However, I can share some weights for only research purpose.
I'll share a link for StyleGAN2-FFHQ weights tomorrow evening.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
@mingukkang Thanks very much for your kindful share!
Thank you so much! By the way, can we achieve conditional GAN on FFHQ dataset?
Thank you so much! By the way, can we achieve conditional GAN on FFHQ dataset?
No, there are no official human labels for FFHQ dataset, but you can do this by borrowing the labels from other research if available.
We provide all checkpoints we used here.
Thank you for your patient.