StudioGAN is a Pytorch library providing implementations of representative Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for conditional/unconditional image generation.
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DCGAN loss does not comply with literature
#209 opened by ben-schindler - 1
Generate synthetic images in Colab environment
#208 opened by asifnuaa - 0
ContraGAN model
#207 opened by zhihangzhang - 2
Ambiguity on the method used
#204 opened by Tangolin - 3
Possibility of Loading various checkpoints during --eval_backbone for ResNet50_torch
#203 opened by f-amerehi - 0
Request: is it possible to add BigBiGAN (BigGan architecture with Encoder Network) ?
#205 opened by SerezD - 1
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Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#193 opened by jakeyahn - 1
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ContraGAN code
#191 opened by zzx721838322 - 3
PermissionError: [WinError 32]
#199 opened by f-amerehi - 1
Building GAN with 96x96 images
#198 opened by MiguelCosta94 - 2
Baby-ImageNet link is not working
#200 opened by Hong753 - 5
how to instantiate a model, load a checkpoint and visualize some generated images?
#189 opened by coloedrainbow - 1
DINO evaluation question
#197 opened by mckellwoodland - 3
Training a cGAN on MNIST
#190 opened by Adversarian - 0 ResNet50 Syntax Error
#196 opened by mckellwoodland - 1
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Can the latest pytorch be installed to avoide: Error of pip's dependency?
#192 opened by DeepOceanDeep - 4
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how to use DCGAN weights?
#185 opened by coloedrainbow - 1
Backbone networks for GAN evaluation
#187 opened by davidHemf - 2
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TSNE Analysis, K-Nearest Neighbor Analysis, Frequency Analysis and Semantic Factorization
#186 opened by davidHemf - 1
set d_cond_mtd to "PD" in stylegan2, there is a bug: 'Discriminator' object has no attribute 'embedding'
#183 opened by cs911 - 1
import utils.misc as misc: error solution
#179 opened by shizuguilai - 1
Gradient penalty "interpolates" term
#176 opened by rl-max - 1
#180 opened by ethancohen123 - 1
G/D Losses go NaN (Not A Number) in WGAN-GP training
#175 opened by rl-max - 10
question on distributeddataparellel(DDP)
#170 opened by jakeyahn - 3
Why is config for `Tiny_ImageNet` removed ?
#172 opened by sieu-n - 9
Question on the checkpoint for Stylegan2 on FQ
#167 opened by lizaitang - 5
Cannot load biggan for cifar10
#168 opened by flymin - 3
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How to generate images
#164 opened by DongChen06 - 1
Training on custom data does not balance out
#163 opened by mehdiosa - 1
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Which CUDA version is recommended to work with?
#165 opened by festinais - 5
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
#158 opened by goongzi-leean - 2
Question about CONFIG_PATH in custom datasets
#146 opened by carlok - 0
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Generator: Missing key(s) in state_dict:
#159 opened by goongzi-leean - 4
problem with loading pretrained styegan2 model
#148 opened by Byronliang8 - 1
Query: Diffusion Models
#157 opened by KomputerMaster64 - 2
Possible to share the Dockerfile?
#155 opened by JohannesAck - 3
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 GiB (GPU 0; 39.59 GiB total capacity; 33.31 GiB already allocated; 1.06 GiB free; 36.81 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
#144 opened by asagar60 - 1
Question about the time spent in Evaluation
#154 opened by cs911 - 1
How to resume training from checkpoint weights
#142 opened by gaurav104 - 0
Opt fails to be downloaded
#143 opened by yaxingwang - 1
Speeding up ReACGAN training
#141 opened by festinais