Study Guide!

By Erik Irgens


During your time at Epicodus, you've probably already noticed that there are a large amount of commands and various places to put them. It can be hard to keep track of them, and I actually recommend that you all create your own cheat sheets. You're welcome to use this as a reference for now if you'd like, or even fork this repository and add to it!

This repository contains multiple items, such as VSCode shortcut references, terminal commands, and other helpful tips and tricks.

This project will also act as a hub for commands you might need to quickly reference. You may even consider making this a study guide for yourself! :)

Technologies Used



Setup/Installation Instructions

To utilize this as a reference, all you need to do is open this project in the GitHub GUI. You're also welcome to clone this project down by use the following command

git clone

To make a copy of this project for your own use on GitHub, select the Fork link at the top of this page, and feel free to clone it down and make your own additions to your own repository.

If you'd like to, use the file structure set up in this project. There are directories for each course section. Go ahead! Add your stuff! :)

I've already added many files that reference commands for VSCode, the terminal, and the Git Workflow to the generic-command-guides directory. Take a perusal!

Known Bugs

It's incomplete! Fill it out as you go through the coursework! :)