- 11
Indentation not correct when in block
#27 opened by randomizedthinking - 2
Use better versioning for tags
#52 opened by vaporup - 2
Why is 'formatoptions' j not enabled by default?
#53 opened by acc987 - 5
vim on mac doesn't like the newline in line 7
#12 opened by cheng-xu - 0
Simplify files for easier migration to vim/vim
#51 opened by heaths - 1
highlighting on cmdlet parameters
#48 opened by yum-feng - 8
- 2
Invalid ^M in config files
#37 opened by ZizzyZizzy - 3
How do I close the terminal?
#45 opened by jtpsh - 0
Unexpected highlighting for System.Data
#38 opened by mikeTWC1984 - 0
- 1
Please help me install this plugin
#34 opened by gitreapur - 7
UTF-8 with BOM is not recommended
#29 opened by cwegener - 8
Doesn't work on gvim 7.4?
#16 opened by FabHan - 1
Add to vim package index (vim-pi)
#23 opened by jpaugh - 14
FileType detection not working with Vim 8.0
#21 opened by pcgeek86 - 5
Why the name of filetype is "ps1"?
#10 opened by thinca - 2