
Compatch patch between Plane Designer and Kaiserreich mod

Primary LanguagePython

Last Updated for Dec 3, 2023. (KR's 1.0.* release, HoI4 1.13.*)

As it's highly unlikely that the Reworked Air Designer mod will get updated to 1.14 anytime soon, I've officially abandoned working on a patch for this and instead integrated a few selected modules, like ASW equipment, into KR Tech Extension, which is compatible with both KR and KX.

The homemade successor to the official KR compatch for Reworked Air Designer mod, mostly for my personal use.

This requires the vanilla version of the mod to run. This patch only overwrites history files and does not touch anything else—just enough to get both to work together again.

The compatibility between this mod and KX or the Kaiserreich Naval Rework submod is a bit janky - so use them at your own risk.