To automate the creation of anki vocabulary sets. We will want to make the format consistent with the existing deck, to provide a uniform studying experience. By decreasing the difficulty and time it takes to create vocabulary sets, I can better focus on learning the content.
- Create a new card-set based on the template csv The fields will consist of: char, pinyin, meaning, etc, notes
- Execute the multi-stage bash script Downloads audio Updates the csv to reference the audio file Copy all audio to correct Anki directory
Deal with each stage completely, then proceed to next. Error handling of previous stage failing must be considered.
Stages: Gather data from csv (store in variables)
- input: input file
- parse column Download all audio (attempt)
- input: pinyin_words, output dir
- break up pin1yin1 words into syllables
- create a temporary column with the pronunciation tones
- given 3rd tone 3rd tone, replace with 2nd tone 3rd tone (confusing for future steps)
- error handling: if some downloads fail, log failures Combine audio
- consider: 1-2+ audio
- error handling: files does not exist, log failure Create new csv based on old csv
- update reading column pin1yin1 with pīnyīn
- update sound column with [sound:file-name.mp3]
- consider: missing combined file -> do not update sound column
- error handling: log Move all combined audio file to anki audio file
mp3wrap - combines mp3 tool Export anki deck to csv