PocketBase C# SDK

This project is currently still under development. It is not recommended to use it in a productive environment. Things can and will change.

Community-developed C# SDK (Multiplatform) for interacting with the PocketBase API



Coming soon


//create a new Client which connects to your PocketBase-API
var client = new PocketBase("");

//authenticate as a Admin
var admin = await client.Admin.AuthenticateWithPassword("test@test.de", "0123456789");

//or as a User
var user = await client.User.AuthenticateWithPassword("kekw@kekw.com", "0123456789");

//query some data (for example, some restaurants)
//note that each CRUD action requires a data type which inherits from the base class 'ItemBaseModel'.
var restaurantList = await client.Records.ListAsync<Restaurant>("restaurants");

//like this one
class Restaurant : ItemBaseModel
    public string? Name { get; set; }



  • Visual Studio (Community Edition should work just fine)
  • .NET 6/7 SDK


  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/PRCV1/pocketbase-csharp-sdk
  1. Open the pocketbase-csharp-sdk.sln with Visual Studio (Community Edition should work just fine)