
Review The following methods:

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  • Number of Peptides identified: Total number of peptide Sequences identified.
  • Number of PeptidoForms: Number of Peptides + modifications + position of the modification.
  • Number of Unique Peptides: Peptides that map uniquely to a Protein ID.
  • Number of identified Spectra: Number of MS/MS with at least one peptide identification.
  • List of anchor proteins: Here we need to report only the proteins that are the anchor of the protein group in mzidentml. We will create another column with other members of the group. Additional Proteins.

These numbers need to be equal in ms-data-core-api and jmzTab.

@ypriverol Do we need Number of PeptidoForms and List of anchor proteins in FastMzIdentMLColtroller as well? if so, an additional computational weight will be added to FastMzIdentMLColtroller.