
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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A simple example that explains how to use Cayenne integrated for Bootique.

For additional help/questions about this example send a message to Bootique forum.


* Java 1.8 or newer.
* Apache Maven.

Build the Demo

Here is how to build it:

    git clone git@github.com:bootique-examples/bootique-cayenne-demo.git
    cd bootique-cayenne-demo
    mvn package

Run the Demo

Now you can check the options available in your app:

java -jar target/bootique.cayenne.demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

      -c yaml_location, --config=yaml_location
           Specifies YAML config location, which can be a file path or a URL.

      -h, --help
           Prints this message.

      -H, --help-config
           Prints information about application modules and their configuration options.

      -i, --insert
           Insert initial data into db

      -s, --select
           Select data from db

To execute the example you should have a database to connect with and schema 'cayenne' in it. MySQL is used for the example.

Then specify connection settings (url, driver, etc.) in config.yml to be used by Bootique, having left Cayenne project without a data node. Rely on Bootique to get connection to your db. Mixing of declarations of data sources in Bootique and Cayenne is allowed but not recommended.

Look though the configs:


    jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cayenne?connectTimeout=0&autoReconnect=true
    driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    maximumPoolSize: 1
    minimumIdle: 1
    username: root

  datasource: mysql
  createSchema: true

To escape MySQL database stuff overwrite config.yml for Derby db:

    jdbcUrl: jdbc:derby:target/demodb;create=true
    driverClassName: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
    maximumPoolSize: 1
    minimumIdle: 1

  datasource: derby
  createSchema: true


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain project-version="9">
    <map name="datamap"/>

    <!--No Cayenne data node - config.yml is used!-->


Note: be cautious with Cayenne project name since non-default Cayenne project name, e.g. 'cayenne-myproject.xml', requires an explicit declaration via CayenneModule.extend(..). The default one 'cayenne-project.xml' works out of the box.

Insert data into database via --insert command:

java  -jar target/bootique.cayenne.demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=config.yml --insert

Simple selection via --select command:

java  -jar target/bootique.cayenne.demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=config.yml --select


    INFO  [2017-05-19 12:36:04,060] main i.b.c.d.SelectDataCommand: Articles count on domain mysite1.example.org: 2

To listen on events use Cayenne Lifecycle Events. The example provides post persist listener (see logs):

    NEW ARTICLE {<ObjectId:Article, id=3>; committed; [domain=>{<ObjectId:Domain, id=2>}; publishedOn=>Fri May 19 15:33:34 MSK 2017; title=>LinkRest Presentation; body=>Here is how to use LinkRest; tags=>(..)]}