HCI Project (E1 slot) : Prof. Joshva Devadas T
Prishita Ray- 17BCE2405
Arushi Das- 17BCE0087
Link to paper: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W18-5021.pdf
Link to dataset used for testing the models: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~cristian/Cornell_Movie-Dialogs_Corpus.html
- To find situations where turn of dialog can occur based on a set of defined rules for a pair of dialog acts
- When turn of dialog occurs, map speaker id to it, if not obvious keep it as unknown
- Recognize emotion from the entire dialog sequence in each movie being tested and predict
- Sentence Segmentation
- Word Tokenization
- Predicting Parts of Speech for Each Token
- Text Lemmatization
- Identifying and Removing Stop words
- Dependency Parsing
- Finding Noun Phrases
- Named Entity Recognition
- Coreference Resolution (resolving ambiguity with usage of pronouns)