
An ESP8266 lights up my terrarium with WS2812 lights imitating sunrise and sunset

Terrarium Light

An ESP8266 controlled Neopixel ring, imitating the Sun

What is it?

  • Arduino code for using an ESP8266 to light up a few WS2812 LEDs
  • Fetches time from NTP servers and adjusts light according to time of day
  • Accepts HTTP GET requests to change the default color
  • Uses the code from my Bare_minimum_WiFi_with_OTA repo for seamless WiFi and OTA integration
  • A lot of fun!

How to use it?

  • Clone (or download) the repo into your Arduino sketchbook directory.
  • Install the prerequisites (see below)
  • Adjust the default parameters to your liking
  • Upload to your ESP8266 using any of the upload methods
  • Look at it come alive!

What should you be careful about?

  • This is just a few hours of late night work, some bugs may be present
  • I have not bothered with comments unless there's something not very clear
  • Timezone needs to be set in 1 hour resolution at line 68 (configTime(...) )
  • If your timezone is not a full hour difference from GMT, add the remaining seconds on line 83. currentTime += 1800; (1800 gives an extra half hour)
  • To set a color via HTTP, enter the request as IPADDRESS/setColor?c=AABBCC where AABBCC is the HEX code of the color.

Things to do

  • This is a work in progress but not a very critical project. I will tweak things if I want to add or change something.
  • Pull requests are welcome
